Marma Points are a valid alternative to the acupuncture point system of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Yoga is an ancient discipline that has become fashionable in recent years, but perhaps not everyone knows that it is closely connected to the world of Ayurvedic tradition and Ayurvedic Medicine.
Ayurvedic Medicine uses some pressure points useful to rebalance the body, emotional and spiritual system.
Pressure points of Ayurvedic origin are called "Marma Points"; according to classical texts there are 107, but there are also other sensitive points of possible use.
Marma in Sanskrit means "vulnerable" area, in fact, they were discovered by warriors because they are potentially deadly points but, if used for beneficial purposes, they bring well-being, promote health and longevity.
They are connected to the Asanas, positions assumed in yoga practice, which have the function of stimulating the flow of Prana, or that vital force that is reflected on the surface of the body through the Marma points.
The existence of these vital areas demonstrates that the body is not just a physical mass, but rather is a complex energy field equipped with energy points, through which we can improve physiological processes and more. Suffice it to say that the use of acupuncture points is a practice recognized in Italy by the WHO as a therapeutic medical act.
Knowing the vulnerable points of our body can help us to have a greater understanding of ourselves, to acquire awareness and to live more in balance.
Marma points, compared to those of the Chinese tradition, are more extensive, although their size varies depending on the region of the body in which they are located.
Their location ranges from the skin to the internal organs, for example “Hridaya” is located directly on the heart.
Marma points act as pranic switches that can be used to raise or lower Prana in various parts of the body and are key points during Ayurvedic massage; in fact, there is a specific massage whose name is: " Marma Abhyangam ".
The seven main chakras coincide with some Marma points; this should not surprise us, in fact, both the chakras and the Marma points are energetic hubs.
Marma points are treated with Ghee Butter mixed with essential oils, a choice that must be evaluated, from time to time, with respect to the point and the state of imbalance to be reharmonized.
Nothing should be left to chance, each treatment must be studied ad hoc on the individual client and based on his needs which emerge only through an accurate and in-depth interview and medical history.
It is also possible to use some special herbal pastes, called Lepa, which have the advantage of giving all their properties thanks to absorption through the epidermis.
It is interesting to consider that Marma points are not only used through massage treatments, but also during meditation. There is, in fact, a meditative practice that pays attention to the Marma points, focusing on the energy that flows in them.
We can conclude that knowing the Marma points and their various uses can be the key to achieving greater self-awareness and a better state of well-being.
PLEASE NOTE: The information contained in this article is for informational purposes only and does not replace the advice of your doctor. The applications reported in no case have a prescriptive or therapeutic nature and must in no way replace the direct doctor-patient relationship or the specialist visit. Always consult your doctor or specialist beforehand.